Our city
Our city
Although the 13th largest city in the UK, Stoke-on-Trent is rapidly outperforming expectations with our economic growth and dynamism as a city.
Stoke-on-Trent is a city with a strong sense of civic pride - we’ve been voted the kindest city in the UK – and a place where you’ll receive a hugely warm welcome. We have a rich and diverse culture, steeped in our prestigious industrial heritage as the celebrated ‘world capital of ceramics’. But we don’t just want to celebrate our proud past – we firmly believe that Stoke-on-Trent’s best years are ahead of it. We are determined to raise aspirations and match them with high-quality education and health provision, as well as improved opportunities to secure fulfilling and well-paid work. Through uniting social and economic opportunities, we are maximising the full power of the city council as a secure and steadfast institution within the city.
With determination, hard work and commitment, we’re delivering a number of improvements across the city. We have a thriving Enterprise Zone, creating many jobs and drawing serious levels of inward investment. We have an enviable track record in delivering large numbers of new homes on brownfield sites. We have delivered the first complete gigabit-enabled full fibre digital network in the country. And we are using culture, our wonderful heritage and our beautiful green spaces to bring economic opportunity and improved quality of life.
Working with our partners across all sectors in the city, we are developing an alternative approach to economic development which will prioritise social and environmental health and wellbeing and encourage and incentivise new and fairer approaches to commerce and employment. We will unleash more of our city’s untapped potential and prosperity and dismantle the harmful barriers which have stunted aspirations and undermined outcomes for decades. And we will develop more effective and holistic preventative approaches to help those who will need additional support to fulfil their potential in our cleaner, greener, healthier, wealthier, safer, fairer city and skilled.